Public: Engineering
Flush-ergy   (-5)  [vote for, against]
Water pressure energy powers automatic flush valve

Sensor-operated flush valves in public restrooms require energy from batteries or solar cells. I propose recovering some of the energy from the incoming clean water to handle this energy requirement.
-- kevinthenerd, Jan 17 2010

Wouldn't this make refill times slower and the whole system more prone to expensive maintenance? It could brutally bedevil and blight a busy bank of bogs.

Public toilets in the UK often have sensors, by the way.
-- Aristotle, Jan 17 2010

If you want a totally green sensor device to activate the flush, just put a pedal button on the floor for the patron to step on. Oh, wait, that's Baked.
-- DrCurry, Jan 19 2010

//totally green sensor device... to step on// eeew... after I step on it, where do I wipe my foot?
-- lurch, Jan 20 2010

<obligatory misreading> flush-orgy </om>
-- bnip, Jan 21 2010

//Plus, won't the sound from the rushing of water wake up people who are in the room, resting?//

In Taiwan, at sites of local interest, beauty spots etc., there are signs telling you what not to do. One of the them is often "Do not rest".
-- Loris, Nov 15 2011

random, halfbakery