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Business: Delivery: Message
Gatorade-o-gram   (+10, -3)  [vote for, against]
Celebrate long distance

A large orange bucket of Gatorade poured over the head of anyone, anywhere, any time.
-- Giblet, Feb 07 2005

tango'd http://www.visit4in...ails.cfm?adid=10310
[po, Feb 07 2005]

[BlissMiss] I hope my category editing has made you feel better about me being up past my bedtime on HB :) BTW, It's only 7:32 pm here, so who's up late after the SuperBowl on HB wasting time when they should be sleeping?

Not I.
-- Giblet, Feb 07 2005

I like it, [+], but only if it goes on the head of someone who has worked their way to nearly the top, and has beat a near competitor.
-- normzone, Feb 07 2005

I might be happy to receive one on a hot sweaty day. But not anywhere, any time.
-- robinism, Feb 07 2005

Might have some worries about legal issues...
-- submitinkmonkey, Mar 09 2005

random, halfbakery