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Product: Translator
Headphonographer   (+3, -1)  [vote for, against]
Subtitles for life

Target audiences: the profoundly deaf, strongly visual learners.

This device consists of two microphones, a highly advanced speech-to-text program compressed onto a teeensy chip, and a small head-mounted head-up display device. Looks kind of like a glasses-mounted camera, or highly advanced VR goggles. The microphones sit in the general vicinity of each ear, and feed their input to the speech-to-text program. The program feeds its output to the heads-up display, which shows an approximation of whatever was said to the wearer, in the form of glowy text across their glasses.

The idea is for people to be able to read, instead of listen to, ordinary conversations in which they are involved. (Or lectures, or radio announcements, or ... )

I expect the technology will be possible in a few years.
-- gisho, Mar 25 2008

Real-time speech-to-text for the disabled and translation isn't really a new idea, is it?
-- phoenix, Mar 26 2008

No, it's not. However, it's still quite amusing to see the bizarre shit you get from the output of STT software.
-- UnaBubba, Jun 22 2012

We've noticed.
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 22 2012

random, halfbakery