Culture: Karaoke
Marathon Karaoke   (0)  [vote for, against]
"And now, mrkillboy singing his WinAmp playlist!"

Marathon Karaoke is an extreme form of this artform in which you sing longform mixes of popular songs. Usually this would undertaken by a group of people but if you are really crazy (or stupid) it is possible to take on the whole thing yourself.

It would also eliminate the boring wait as the M.C. lines up the next song.

What may also work is the development of a karaoke disc crossfader so you don't need to use specially authored mix discs.
-- mrkillboy, Jun 29 2001

But there are so many TV stations in the world now that at any given time at least one of them is probably running a 24-hour karaoke marathon.
-- hippo, Jun 29 2001

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