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Business: Advertising: Media: Billboard
Roadsign Billboards   (+3, -1)  [vote for, against]
Use the backs of roadsigns for ads.

Any trip down a limited access highway has hundreds of huge signs telling drivers about the next exit. There are often at least three signs per exit and they are all huge (hundreds of square feet). They are massive erections of steel that are only living up to half of their potential. The backs of these signs could be utilized for billboards for opposing traffic. If one looks at all the space these roadsigns have it seems like a huge waste to only use one side.
This wouldn't work for all signs (obviously) but it shouldn't be too difficult to retrofit some of the existing ones. Any new signs could be built in the median at a slight angle to allow the other direction to get a better view. Any revenue generated could help off set costs for the company or municipality in charge of maintaining the road. Maybe the income could lower tolls and/or taxes.
-- The Acrimonious Obfuscator, Jun 28 2005

ads on both sides. they already have these in michigan
-- mike743, Jun 28 2005

mike743- I didn't mean a two sided billboard but a roadsign (ie. Exit 01, Rte 45 East, 1 mile) and the backside of it being a billboard. If these do exist in MI I wouldn't know- I've never driven there.
-- The Acrimonious Obfuscator, Jun 28 2005

In Ireland, they came up with the wonderful idea of adorning the reverse side of roadsigns with the slogan "Caution, you are driving in the wrong direction." I kid you not.
-- Fishrat, Jun 28 2005

Love it, and tanks gots I'm Irish, Fishrat. The idea is sound, but requires another face built on the backside to cover the struts you see. Have the adverts pay for that.
-- MauiChuck, Jun 29 2005

Advertising is evil.
-- rrr, Jun 29 2005

Oh, it is not. We, as a species, are programmed to advertise as are many (most) species upon the Earth. It's deeply ingrained as a key component of the furtherance of the species, guiding the evolution of calling card physical and behavioral attributes.

Also, your annotation is, at least in part, an advertisement of your opinion about advertising, else, you could have just kept it to yourself, no?
-- bristolz, Jun 29 2005

Teaching [rrr] about the impenetrable ego, [bris] is.
-- daseva, Jun 29 2005

//We, as a species, are programmed to advertise as are many (most) species upon the Earth. It's deeply ingrained as a key component of the furtherance of the species, guiding the evolution of calling card physical and behavioral attributes//nice.

I think we're programmed to *display* rather than advertise though :)
-- po, Jun 29 2005

//Advertising is evil.//
Even if the meaning is restricted to "commercial advertising", I'd challenge that. Annoying, possibly.
-- angel, Jun 29 2005

random, halfbakery