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Science: Health: Public Bathroom: Scheduling
Toilet Stall Abuse Limiter   (+2, -2)  [vote for, against]
For those who loiter in public toilet stalls.

The public toilet stall has become a favorite private enclosure for folks who extend necessary usage by camping out on their cell phones. When entering the facilities I rarely hear the rustling and water noises typical of toilet usage, instead phone conversations, exclamations relating to the user’s success (or failure) in their video game or even prolonged silence. Peeping through the door crack sees them nose-deep in their cell phone.

RockCo has introduced a nifty solution. A timer on the door latch is connected to a device that after perhaps 5 minutes metes out a faint odor such as what can be purchased as stink bomb liquid, that grows steadily stronger. The HVAC system may be paused* during this little olfactory reminder. Upon cycling the latch the Stinkafier (pat pend) ceases operation and the air circulation moves the smell away. With use patrons would learn to finish their business and vacate ASAP.

* Deluxe model
-- whatrock, Dec 11 2023

Periscope https://1.bp.blogsp...600/sportscope1.jpg
Door crack? Amateur. [Voice, Dec 11 2023]

I envision a stall door that goes transparent gradually over a sufficient period of time, determined by the ripples in the bowl. No ripples, no privacy.
-- minoradjustments, Dec 11 2023

//I rarely hear the rustling and water noises typical of toilet usage// This seems like a problem of great magnitude.
-- xenzag, Dec 11 2023

In areas where such stall abuse is a huge problem the Super Deluxe model will leave the Stinkafier operating indefinitely during normal business hours, setting records in short usage times with dramatically reduced graffiti.
-- whatrock, Dec 12 2023

"The Specialist" solved this problem with a handsaw, by making the seat square edged and rough and splintery.
-- pocmloc, Dec 12 2023

This confirms all my theories about american toilet facilities. The gaps are there because some small-minded & petty middle-management type is desperate to confirm their suspicions that anything other than urgent defecation is taking place. Heaven forbid that anyone takes five minutes to themselves. Now everyone has phones, why not have employees upload a picture of their daily anal productivity to HR? Perhaps deploy an AI tool to check they didn't re-use last wednesday's turd?

Or, and here's an idea just crazy enough to work, cultivate a work environment that isn't closely modeled on a prison camp. Do management properly.
-- bs0u0155, Dec 12 2023

//confirm their suspicions that anything other than urgent defecation is taking place.//

Change that to: that employees are defecating at work instead of using adult diapers if they feel the need.
-- Voice, Dec 12 2023

random, halfbakery