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Public: Education: Certificate
Alumni Association for Bogus Diplomas   (+6)  [vote for, against]
Why be excluded from alumni-fun just 'cos your degree's fake?

Most schools, colleges and universities have thriving alumni assocations. These provide excellent peer-group networking opportunities and reunion meetings for far-flung ex-colleagues.

To assist an apparently large group of unfairly disadvantaged would-be networkers, I propose to start a special alumnus group, the DDA (Dodgy Diploma Association). Membership is open only to those who have cleverly bought their qualification from a diploma mill, without the sometimes tedious years of study endured by more normal folk.

The meetings would be an eye opener: bogus lawyers, bent executives, dodgy social climbers, all sharing in their hugely inflated success stories. Potential police presence might be a worry, but hey, if it hasn't worried them in the past.......
-- phlogiston, Mar 24 2004

At the reunion we don't have to eat steak and green beans, we can eat whatever we want because WE MADE IT, man!
-- dpsyplc, Mar 24 2004

A further thought. With an annual membership fee of $49, a huge global membership base and a purely virtual presence, this might be an even bigger earner than the bogus diploma mills themselves.
-- phlogiston, Mar 24 2004

They also have to send out fancy magazines with touched up photos that show alumni together with made up celebrities.
-- kbecker, Mar 24 2004

...and provide laminated cards for your wallet, and pleather jackets with crests.
-- lintkeeper2, Mar 24 2004

Maybe a slogan: "eo refercio, rite hac".
-- dpsyplc, Mar 24 2004

And no fund-raising drives to build a new lecture theatre either...
-- hippo, Mar 25 2004

[Unabbuba], is that "I went to Harvaad and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"?
-- theircompetitor, Mar 25 2004

Is there an association for honorary degree holders, too?
-- FarmerJohn, Mar 25 2004

There is a t-shirt they sell hereabouts that has a big crest, some pig latin, and the words "University of Life" underneath it.
-- DrCurry, Mar 25 2004

I have a real degree, but I would like to hang out with all those colourful and shady characters. Do I need a fake fake degree to get in?
-- spidermother, Feb 03 2011

Well, [spidermother], I see no reason why you couldn't get a fake degree to put up on your wall beside your real one.
-- In No Particular Order, Feb 05 2011

random, halfbakery