Product: Coat-hanger
Aromatherapy Coat Hangers   (+2, -1)  [vote for, against]
Change your clothes - change your mood

With these hangers you can infuse your clothes with all kinds of mood altering aromatherapy compounds, like, Bergemot Blouses - feel a lift in your mood, or Lavender Lounge Suit - feel relaxed.
-- leithgirl, Apr 03 2001

or mayhaps put some oil in with a washer/dryer load.
-- nick_n_uit, Apr 04 2001

Or put the oil up your nose, and then everything will smell good.
-- PotatoStew, Apr 04 2001

Baked, in a way. You can buy coat hangers filled with pot-pourri, which smells funny like those oils.
-- rjswanson, Apr 15 2001

random, halfbakery