Food: Pet Food
Carpet-friendly Cat Food   (+2, -1)  [vote for, against]
Cat food in colors that match your carpets

If you have a particularly barf-prone cat, this would solve the problem of cat-barf stains on your carpeting, or at least make them less noticeable. I'm not suggesting anything disgusting - you should still clean it up! - but with this invention you wouldn't have all these sorta-tan, sorta-brown stains on a baby blue carpet again.
-- whoopty, Mar 24 2001

Couldn't this be food made of cats that you feed to your carpet?
-- wasraw, Mar 24 2001

I'd prefer to be able to see the cat barf BEFORE I step in it. However, if you can make a cat food and accompanying litter that doesn't get stuck in the carpet, You'll get my business.
-- nick_n_uit, Mar 24 2001

i hear what youre saying, but...ever heard of a brown carpet?
-- Scarth, Apr 01 2001

Believe it or not, I know someone who actually DID that!
-- mwburden, Apr 02 2001

Feed your cat specially colored food and train it to hurl on a canvas...animal done art is big lately, and it's at least as good as some of the krep I've seen big names do...
-- StarChaser, Apr 02 2001

random, halfbakery