Product: Weapon: Bomb: Delivery
Clandestine Remote Control Cat Bomb   (0)  [vote for, against]
Meow, meow, point, click, boom!

Mohammed has just returned from a hard day of terrorist training and hostage interrogation. He enjoys sitting down at the end of the day and relaxing with a good smoke and his pet cat on his lap. He looks down and notices a second cat at his feet. Where did you come from my little friend? Next thing he knows, the cat has jumped on his face and exploded a shaped charge, killing them both instantly. He was a victim of the Clandestine Remote Control Cat Bomb (CRCCB).

Production of CRCCBs would involve surgically implanting a camera, computer, GPS, electroshock device, radio, and shaped charge within the cat. Extensive training would allow the cat to be remotely operated, much like a Predator drone. CRCCBs could then be released into the terrorists general neighborhood and allowed to wander around until the target was identified and the attack order was given.
-- circ_du_greg, Aug 06 2003

Logo template http://www.av8rstuf...m/gifs/128bscat.JPG
[thumbwax, Oct 04 2004]

(?) Anti-CRCCB Sharpshooter Practice http://www.the-top....s/feline_target.jpg
[thumbwax, Oct 04 2004]

is it a robot?
-- po, Aug 06 2003

8th is gonna love this!
-- krelnik, Aug 06 2003

even 8th likes realism

painting by numbers, thumb?
-- po, Aug 06 2003

And there was much rejoicing.

-- 8th of 7, Aug 07 2003

Mobile Explosive Offensive Weapon.
-- phoenix, Aug 07 2003

Cunning Animal Terrorist
-- silverstormer, Aug 07 2003

cats are guaranteed not to do what you want.
-- po, Aug 07 2003

In the early 1960s Jose Delgado used electrodes to stimulate parts of the brain to stop a bull in it's tracks shown to many a psychology student on film. Dr. Delgado went on to control monkies behavior by remote control. There are experiments now to control insects remotly.It is feasable. I do not know how many terrorist have cats and at what cost is it to do these cat projects . If one knows who the terrorist is you arrest him and put him in jail. Is a terrorist worth waisting some perrrfectly good pussy over. I pick pussy over terrorists any day, but thats me.
-- emconsulting, Dec 29 2003

random, halfbakery