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Sport: Ball Game
Cronkers   (-1)  [vote for, against]
Golf with a bowler or pitcher

Like Cricket, but more interesting. A bowler or American-style pitcher delivers the ball to your would-be golfer, waiting with his club, wherein the golfer aims his return at an appropriate hole.

The speed of the bowler/pitcher's delivery should theoretically increase the speed and distance of the returned ball, for reaching far holes on large golf courses.

Full disclosure: the ancient Celts were said to have a golf-like game in which a goalie guarded a hole and took his own shots after attempting to block a deluge.
-- 4and20, May 22 2016

//the ancient Celts were said to have a golf-like game in which a goalie guarded a hole and took his own shots after attempting to block a deluge.// Yes, that would be the Battle of Flodden.
-- MaxwellBuchanan, May 22 2016

It seems to me that the person rolling the ball would be at serious risk of getting struck by that ball, after the golfer hits it.
-- Vernon, May 23 2016

The Celts faced the deluge, stronger than Noah. Softer balls for a softer age?
-- 4and20, May 23 2016

random, halfbakery