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Product: Dish: Bowl
Desert Island Soup Bowl   (+6, -2)  [vote for, against]

As you consume your soup, more and more of the little island in the middle is revealed. Comes with a miniature plastic palm tree to insert in a hole in the island and a shipwrecked figure to add to the affect.

edit.... obviously the effect is greatly enhanced if someone were to devise a type of azure blue soup, though a more or less clear broth would be ok too
-- xenzag, Jul 14 2010

now called "death bowls" for turtles http://www.petdisco...-Lagoon-8-p640.html
[dentworth, Jul 15 2010]

Party platter https://thewackyrab...%20server%20497.jpg
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jul 16 2010]

Refrain from eating the volleyball.
-- jurist, Jul 15 2010

I can't quit thinking of Tom Hanks portrayal of the shipwrecked guy on the deserted island with nothing but Wilson (a deflated basketball) to keep him company. Can you add a battery powered vibrator attachment to simulate a stormy sea? Not enough to eject any Rice Krispies onto the tablecloth, but enough to dash Wilson repeatedly against the rocks? Perhaps have the Tom Hanks action figure on a little spring, swaying pitifully and frantic with worry? No matter... bun [+].
-- Grogster, Jul 15 2010

Delux version could have two palm trees and a hammock.
-- xenzag, Jul 15 2010

brings to mind my plastic turtle dish from the long ago. If you filled that with soup it would be about the same thing.
-- dentworth, Jul 15 2010

Is there a "Bikini Atoll" version available ?
-- 8th of 7, Jul 15 2010

You just throw drop a brick on it to get that.
-- xenzag, Jul 15 2010

Wot, no mushroom (cloud) ?
-- 8th of 7, Jul 15 2010

Just film it in high speed, then slow-mo it.
-- xenzag, Jul 15 2010

When all the soup is gone, the marooned figure becomes a triumphant mountain climber at the summit of a tropical peak.
-- DrWorm, Jul 16 2010

We're holding out for the "Krakatoa" version ...
-- 8th of 7, Jul 16 2010

random, halfbakery