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Sport: Ball Game
Dodge Paint   (+3, -1)  [vote for, against]

Based off a comic I made a while ago.

Regular dodge ball, but with the balls covered in wet house paint, conveinently located on either end of the court. Hitting an opponet with a dry ball does not count as an out. Makes the balls harder to catch, and covers the losers with a vibrant mark of shame that can enliven any room of your house. Also, the paint that spills on the floor makes for interesting obstacles.
-- notmarkflynn, Mar 12 2007

The comic strip. http://i37.photobuc...ynn/PaintedBall.jpg
I plug my comic shamelessly, thank you very much. [notmarkflynn, Mar 12 2007]

I think your title is a little off.

Otherwise is a different take on dodge ball(which traditionally is played against a wall in the US with one thrower who plays until someone catches the ball or everyone is out) by the way not my bone!
-- jhomrighaus, Mar 12 2007

<nemesis>notmarkflynn's hiatus is over; soon too his life will be.</nemesis>
-- dbmag9, Mar 15 2007

random, halfbakery