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Product: Mirror
Drunker Than I Thought Mirror   (+7)  [vote for, against]
Play mind games on drinkers in your local

I had this idea whilst in a pub so applied it to being within a pub but I suppose it could be used anywhere in public.

Basically it would be a wall mounted LCD / Plasma screen that has a gold border or whatever so that it looks like a mirror.

Mounted in the frame of this would be a web cam connected to a pc.

It would display a reverse image so as to imitate a mirror for people looking into it - but every now and then it would distort the image slightly, maybe add a moustache to someones face - make someone appear in the reflection behind them.

Then it would dissapear shortly after - making the person think Holy Crap, i gotta stop drinking this dark rum, man.

Another idea was to have it imitate a gold fish tank, then have a piranha appear and carve up all the fish, and a moment later back to normal.
-- meggabrain, Feb 17 2009

cute idea, but if one wasn't drinking, what would the explination be? or the title for that matter?
losing my vision
crazier than I thought
what a crappy mirror...
-- xandram, Feb 17 2009

Baked, they have one of these in my pub.
-- zeno, Feb 17 2009

random, halfbakery