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Science: Unit of Measurement
Duns   (+2)  [vote for, against]
average cost per word in a colabrate document .

The Dun would be the price of a word in a published document coming out of group meetings like the UN or government committees taking into account the salaries , travel , costs and time . The accountants would then have a yard stick on the white paper and public might be able to judge some value .

- The groups may inherently go long winded to bring the price down . The documents would still have to be judge for meaning value ?????

This would be installing more bureaucracy but at least there would be a metric guideline .

A Dun would sure twist how you would see your boss's memo .
-- wjt, Nov 08 2007

[calum, Nov 09 2007]

I prefer academia's (and Google's) definition of document value - the more people who reference/cite that document, the more valuable it is.
-- xaviergisz, Nov 08 2007

Interesting metric. Too low and the document is H/B. Too high and it's excrement from a gravy-train.
-- vincevincevince, Nov 08 2007

How would you figure out the cross-charging when documents referenced other documents?
-- pertinax, Nov 08 2007

[ xaviergisz ] top news bulletin replication . This is not 'value' checking but rather monetary cost measuring .

[ pertinax ] A referenced document has , in theory , already been paid for so those Duns should have been set .

The words in the new document are copied so little or no time is used therefore lowering the overal Duns . A slightly modified document would still involve costs of the people and extras making the modification .

? Duns of a sub-commitee versus picking up a mercury AAA battery from the school playground ?
-- wjt, Nov 09 2007

random, halfbakery