Food: Egg
Egg Art   (+7, -1)  [vote for, against]
Works of art with a dash of salt taste pretty good

Boiled eggs are unique. It seems to me that you could create unusual sculptures out of them a sell them to people who are having expensive parties with caviar.

Imagine.... You are sipping a martini and saunter over to the appetizers, where you spot the most unusual things. People are eating the little statues that you saw earlier. One's eating what looks like a bust of George Washington, while another is biting off the head of a miniature gargoyle. What a strange thing. You pick up a piece of abstract art and bite into it and find that it is egg white that has been carved into shapes and dyed. You go over, pick up a salt shaker, sprinkle the salt on the remains of your abstract, take another bite, and sauter off into the party.
-- DesertFox, Aug 25 2004

Bernini's David
[Machiavelli, Oct 05 2004]

Beijing Duck http://www.halfbake...ing_20Fried_20Duck)
The great Duck Debate [swimr, Oct 05 2004]

First things first: When I'm sipping a martini, I don't "saunter" over to the appetizer table. It's more like a glide.

[Fox], I like this idea. I want one carved in the image of Bernini's statue of David. [see link]
-- Machiavelli, Aug 25 2004

Wonderful. You could use teflon forms to rapidly create egg white scuptures, then hand-paint them.
-- Worldgineer, Aug 25 2004

So you glide. I saunter. It's the same to me. :)
-- DesertFox, Aug 25 2004

To each his own.
-- DesertFox, Aug 25 2004

//A truly beautifully carved egg takes time and care// Like a Fabergé.

Can I get you anything else, [Bach]? Perhaps some fois gras?
-- Machiavelli, Aug 25 2004

HA ha ah....Mach, let's not bring that up again
-- swimr, Aug 25 2004

[swimr], I must admit I have no idea what you're talking about.
-- Machiavelli, Aug 25 2004

[Link]...oh yeah + [df]
-- swimr, Aug 25 2004

[swimr], that's weird that I mentioned that. I hadn't read all the annos in that one (including yours, sorry). Now I understand. :)
-- Machiavelli, Aug 26 2004

I tend not to drink martinis at all generally going with vodka from the bottle.Although, I don't get invited to social functions that often for some reason. Wouldn't these little sculptures stink something chronic?
-- harderthanjesus, Aug 26 2004

Only if they were old.
-- DesertFox, Aug 26 2004

I usually slink when I have occasion to visit the appetizers and I would be delighted to find little egg statues awaiting me. [+]
-- DocBrown, Aug 26 2004

Ahhhhh, slinking. I like slinking, too. That is good.
-- DesertFox, Aug 26 2004

-- Machiavelli, Aug 26 2004

Gliding, sauntering and slinking...
-- DesertFox, Oct 09 2004

+ Churning this one up because Easter is coming! Great idea. (where is [DesertFox] these days?)
-- xandram, Mar 19 2008

It would be better if they had yolk. Just pour a whole egg into a suitable mould and boil - the yolk should remain fairly central.
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 19 2008

random, halfbakery