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Fashion: Hi-tech
Glowing white breasts   (+17, -4)  [vote for, against]
Shining a light on tissue looks reddish, we just use tricolor LEDS to create a demicup garment that uses lots of GB less R to make breasts glow with white light

Shining a light on tissue looks reddish (the flashlight effect), this technology just uses tricolor LEDS to create a color tunable demicup garment that uses lots of GB less R to make breasts glow with white light
-- beanangel, Jan 23 2012

Why only breasts? http://www.meddean....rology/hydrchx2.HTM
[mouseposture, Jan 23 2012]

Similar, Almost... Glow_20in_20the_20D...20Breast_20Implants
[Grogster, Jan 25 2012]

Experts' advice on faulty French PIP breast implants
"Il faut souffrir pour être belle ..." [8th of 7, Jan 25 2012]

(?) For [2fries]
[MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 25 2012]

Boobs are like the sun http://weknowmemes....s-are-like-the-sun/
[afinehowdoyoudo, Jan 27 2012]

...and that's the best use of the technology, is it?
-- gnomethang, Jan 23 2012

I like it, but I don't know why. I really don't.

Bunfounded [+]
-- Alterother, Jan 23 2012

I don't even know what it is, but... [+]
-- FlyingToaster, Jan 23 2012

Might they not appear grey?
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 23 2012

Glowing grey breasts?
-- tatterdemalion, Jan 23 2012

That would be a reasonable deductation.
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 23 2012

Flesh glows red because it absorbs the green/blue(ish) part of the spectrum. By not shining any red, you won't get (much) glow at all, as [MaxwellBuchanan] said.
-- neutrinos_shadow, Jan 24 2012

Seven buns for this, and no bones. Hmmm...should I, should I not???
-- blissmiss, Jan 24 2012

You know you want to.
-- Alterother, Jan 24 2012

Yeah, do it. Post the pictures.
-- spidermother, Jan 24 2012

-- blissmiss, Jan 24 2012

//Flesh glows red because it absorbs the green/blue(ish) part of the spectrum. By not shining any red, you won't get (much) glow at all, as [MaxwellBuchanan] said.// Science will find a way!!!
-- DIYMatt, Jan 24 2012

Yes, we think that's what people are afraid of.
-- 8th of 7, Jan 24 2012

Thanks for the link [mouseposture]- my very first view of transilluminated scrotum!!
-- xandram, Jan 24 2012

Hm, I was thinking inductively recharged implants when I saw the title.
-- jutta, Jan 24 2012

Ooh, tingly!
-- Alterother, Jan 24 2012

To quote the internet, "Tits, or GTFO".

EDIT: And the award for the "How in the hell did you find THAT link?" category goes to - the envelope please...[mouseposture]!
-- normzone, Jan 24 2012

//I was thinking inductively recharged implants//

That suggests a whole galumduffery of potential functional implant ideas...
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 24 2012

... or sunbathe in a lead bikini?
-- pertinax, Jan 24 2012

Ohh, what color would the auraeolas be then?
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jan 24 2012

//what color would the auraeolas be then?// Aren't they orange and black on a green-and-yellow diamond?
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 24 2012

// That suggests a whole galumduffery of potential functional implant ideas... //

"O Death, Where Is Thy Sting ... ?"

There have been more than enough problems in the news lately concerning such procedures <link>. Adding //inductively recharged implants// as an option just increases the potential problems by many orders of magnitude.

Stereo wireless loudspeakers (could give "hooters" a whole new meaning) ... multicolour flashing LEDs .... FM radio ... GSM phone with Bluetooth ... WiFi hotspot ....

Actually, now, that last one ...
-- 8th of 7, Jan 25 2012

//orange and black on a green-and-yellow diamond?// I, um... y'lost me guv.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jan 25 2012

That's because you should have turned off when you saw the sign (orange and black on a green-and-yellow diamond). Please, do pay attention. It makes it more difficult for everyone else.
-- 8th of 7, Jan 25 2012

Birthday parties, Halloween and Christmas could prove interesting.
-- skinflaps, Jan 25 2012

That would rather depend on how you came to be deaf in the first place, shirley ?
-- 8th of 7, Jan 25 2012

//Induction// We don't need no steenking induction. We've already had an idea for a brassiere which captures jiggling energy to charge batteries. This would be a natural extension. You wouldn't need much in the way of energy storage -- the lights would stay lit only as long as you kept dancing.
-- mouseposture, Jan 25 2012

// This would be a natural extension //

Perhaps you would like to consider phrasing that a little differently, [mp].
-- 8th of 7, Jan 27 2012

I'm just astonished nobody has brought up the obvious inference to "headlights"...
-- Canuck, Jan 28 2012

or the phrase "she's positively *glowing*"
-- FlyingToaster, Jan 28 2012

random, halfbakery