Computer: Web: Searching
Google Ear Burning   (+3)  [vote for, against]
Lets you know when someone is searching for you

Google alerts you when someone types your name in.
-- JesusHChrist, Aug 30 2006

Do Not Google List Do_20Not_20Google_20List
[theircompetitor, Aug 30 2006]

Given that Google isn't sharing people's searches with the government, is it likely they will share them with the people?
-- DrCurry, Aug 30 2006

Google "John Smith" <return>. <Internet crashes>.

I used to think that my name was unique. I've only met a few guys with the same first name, and never met anyone with the same last name that wasn't related. But when I go ego surfing, I find three other men with the same first and last, and only one reference to anything that I've done.

I'd only get a few false alarms, and I don't like this. Can we narrow down the criteria? Say, alarm bells sound when someone from the IRS Googles for me?
-- baconbrain, Aug 30 2006

I'd have severely toasted lugholes - see the hits for PO.
-- po, Aug 30 2006

//Given that Google isn't sharing people's searches with the government//

Oh yes it is.

-- webfishrune, Aug 30 2006

There are hundreds of me out there. Last time I tried a vanity search, I got bored and stopped before I found anything about me.

Are we doing Google ideas again?

Edit: Christ, [JHC]. You sure like this topic.
-- hidden truths, Aug 30 2006

Baked! Google Alerts (It's there, in your idea?) - Simply set up an alert for your name. (I'm sure that there are others [non-Google], but I've never used them)
-- Dub, Aug 30 2006

random, halfbakery