Product: Imitation
Instant Dirt   (+4, -3)  [vote for, against]
An "almost useless" idea.

Sometimes I prefer the description ‘almost useless ideas’ to ‘halfbaked ideas’. My favourite as an example, is my spray-can of Instant Dirt. Just think of the impossibilities. “Doing the dirt on so and so’, will have a new meaning. Instant Dirt comes in three grades : Grade 1 e.g. for husband’s mothers visiting to spray in hidden corners - easy wipe-off. Grade 2 e.g. for cleaning-gang supervisors to trap slackers with - slightly sticky and hard to get off. Grade 3 for politicians and party members to spray on each other - difficult to remove and it pongs !
-- rayfo, Aug 15 2000

How about road dirt, to lend credibility to the "I had a flat tire" excuse.
-- Scott_D, Aug 15 2000

random, halfbakery