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Kindley Summarize   (+3, -1)  [vote for, against]
Thanks, Cliff. And goodbye

It's clear that eReaders have taken a major leap forward with the introduction of the Kindle, and now even Barnes & Noble getting into the act.

But reading Crime & Punishment is still just that, so offer built-in auto-summarization features which would be quite helpful in document analysis if not in reading the latest post-modern gem.
-- theircompetitor, Aug 11 2009

Cliff Notes
history [csea, Aug 11 2009]

Ditto [csea]
[Jinbish, Aug 11 2009]

Erm, eReader's Digest?
-- zen_tom, Aug 11 2009

I like the idea of getting a summary - but I think there is a deal to be done with linking the book to the study notes.

Perhaps you could get annotations or links to notes as well as a summary?
-- Jinbish, Aug 11 2009

Oh, to be sure, [Jinbish]. They could do a deal with authors for audio, too -- in fact they did -- but they started by having automated text readers.
-- theircompetitor, Aug 11 2009

Really! I can imagine something like 'Pride and Prejudice' being read out by a robotic voice (a la Prof. Stephen Hawking)...
"O.h.! M.r. D.a.r.c.y, w.i.t.h t.h.i.s. F.e.r.r.e.r.o. R.o.c.h.e.r. y.o.u. a.r.e. r.e.a.l.l.y. s.p.o.i.l.i.n.g. m.e. ..." (sic)
-- Jinbish, Aug 11 2009

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