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Product: Musical Instrument: Gesture
Kinesthetic Symphony   (0)  [vote for, against]
From motion to music

Motion sensors attached to various parts of the body read your movements and a central unit changes them into sound. Wave a finger slowly and a lone violin plays. Stomp around, and the timpani booms in time with your footfalls. Strum your fingers on a desk for a drumroll. And conjugal overtures, anyone?

One setting would use simple tones of one instrument for each sensor. Another would assign synchronized single-instrument tracks from a prerecorded piece to each sensor - for those who want to conduct an actual orchestra from the comfort of their own armchair. The faster you move, the louder the corresponding track.

Caution: use with headphones may make you look like an absolute loon.
-- Qinopio, Nov 05 2003

(?) Branch Director http://www.halfbake...a/Branch_20Director
by [barnzenen] [krelnik, Oct 17 2004]

The local childrens museum has a small room like this. Also projects a solarized image of the participants on the screen in front of the participants.
-- phoenix, Nov 06 2003

Seems extremely similar to "Branch Director" posted just yesterday, you're just using a different source of input.
-- krelnik, Nov 06 2003

Actually, it verges closer on that old HB favorite, the theremin.
-- DrCurry, Nov 06 2003

Thought of this on the way home from school the other day, I hadn't seen that branch idea.
-- Qinopio, Nov 06 2003

random, halfbakery