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Product: Toilet Paper: Print
Learn a New Language   (+4)  [vote for, against]
Spanish, espanol, on one side English ( ingles ) sobre el otro side

Thirty words per roll, one or two per sheet, Then it repeats. New roll gets you a new thirty words. Basic vocabulary flashcards, with the pleasure of flushing your homework.

In addition to languages, other rolls could spew dialects, High low church, slangs etc.

Advertizing slogan: "The family that shits together, knows two ways to insult each other."

( Benefits? A new crop of translators that can only work while sitting on toilets. )
-- popbottle, Oct 26 2014

I would buy it, and try and learn Spanish. I think.
-- blissmiss, Oct 26 2014

bueno good

Gracias Thank You

< flush gurgle >
-- popbottle, Oct 26 2014

French would more naturally correlate. "Le pew! Le stink!"
-- RayfordSteele, Oct 26 2014

random, halfbakery