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Business: Words
MINT   (+6, -2)  [vote for, against]
Maybe It's Not Terrific

Just as one offers a breath mint to someone with less than terrific breath without actually saying "You have bad breath". You can offer a verbal MINT {Maybe It's Not Terrific} to someone without saying "You have a terrible deal /idea /shampoo".
-- thumbwax, May 27 2001

You know that sarcasm has made leaps and bounds as a concept when all you have to do to insult somebody's well-thought out idea is to yell "Baked!!!" (or "WIBNI" or "MINT" or some other catchy acronym). Much easier than a reasoned response, and takes so much less time and effort. . . .
-- deacon, May 28 2001

Saved from a certain death in 'space'

I met a traveller from an antique LAN,
Who said: `Two vast and pointless exclamation marks of stone
Stand in a desert of ideas. Near them, on the page,
Half sunk, a shattered ego lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and lack of language's command,
Tell that its sculptor has not the wind's direction read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The words that mock them and the sharks that feed.
And in the mind's eye these words appear --
"My name is [newbiebaker], king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and bleach'd fishbones stretch far away.'

UnaBubba, Jan 28 2002

-- thumbwax, Jan 28 2002

' antique LAN'

Must have been a token-ring, the LAN before time...
-- StarChaser, Jan 28 2002

Arcnet maybe? (OK, now I'm starting to show my age)
-- mwburden, Jan 29 2002

StarChaser - don't you mean "The LAN that Time Forgot"?
UnaBubba - once again you've excelled yourself. I'm waiting to see whether the someone will give you the opportunity for a variation on the Rubyat...
-- goff, Jan 29 2002

Oh the abridged will do...

-- goff, Jan 29 2002

LAN of the Lost?

I think using MINT to describe a bad idea--well, MINT, given its other meanings. A bit misleading to the venture capitalists.
-- bookworm, Jan 29 2002

Oh the abridged will do...
-- goff, Jan 29 2002

random, halfbakery