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Food: Vending Machine
Milo Silo   (+1)  [vote for, against]
For bulk materials geeks like myself who like LOTS of milo.

And waiting 90 odd seconds (the time it takes to half fill an oversize coffee mug with milo from a tin using a spoon, then pour the milk, and heat it up) for that milo-ey goodness is far too long.

The optional extras include a marshmallow dump hopper with fully functioning apron feeder (to reliably meter out your marshmallows, of course), and the steam-pneumatically conveyed milk pipe, that pre-heats AND rapidly delivers the hot milk.

Suggestions welcome.

mmmmmmmmmmm. Milo.
-- Custardguts, Jun 22 2006

Heyyy! Milo is GOOD for you! It says so on the tin.

It's just like vegetables.

I'm just big boned, anyway.
-- Custardguts, Jun 22 2006

//I'm just big boned//

Too much information.

Regarding Milo. When I was unfortunate enough to live in Kuala Lumpur I consumed so much of the stuff that I believed that I could roll down hills without bruising. I started to believe it was their national beverage of choice.
-- skinflaps, Jun 22 2006

i remember milo fro my time in NZ and AU. i wasn't terribly impressed with it as a drink. people did drink gallons of the stuff.

here i was thinking you meant Milo from Catch 22. M & M Corp. and all that. in that case it should have turrets on top for attacking your own forces.
-- tcarson, Jun 22 2006

I tried Milo in Indonesia, once. People seemed to like it, probably because of all the commercials that made it sound like a national beverage.

There are many bulk food dispensers available, both for powders and things like marshmallows. Hot-milk machines are available, too. This is more of a wish than an invention, but maybe I'm missing something.
-- baconbrain, Jun 22 2006

I was thinking of Milo Minderbinder also. In that case, it should also dispense sand instead of milo.
-- notmarkflynn, Jun 24 2006

//I'm interested in this Milo substance//

It's a kind of powdered instant hot chocolate mix--as you may have guessed. I found it to be too weak and too sugary, but I was in Indonesia, where all drinks are sugary. There it was pronounced "Meel-oh" BTW.
-- baconbrain, Jun 24 2006

random, halfbakery