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Misheard Lyrics Captcha   (+11)  [vote for, against]
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The computer plays Manfred Mann: "Blinded By the Light"

You type in 'Wrapped up like a douche'

Authenticated. You are not a bot...
-- RayfordSteele, Jun 15 2015

You are funny. +
-- blissmiss, Jun 15 2015

For the religious, "Gladly my cross-eyed bear", or "Guide me, O thou great red emu" ...

Also, there's a very good song about Three German Officers ...
-- 8th of 7, Jun 15 2015

Is that one of the single eggs?
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 15 2015

If it is, that means you're the walrus. Or the Nowhere Man. Or possibly both.
-- 8th of 7, Jun 15 2015

+ "xcuse me while I kiss this guy"
-- xandram, Jun 17 2015

It could be a multiple choice:

Q1. You get up in the morning in order that you can slave for some bread. In what state are your ears?

A. Just fine, thanks
B. Red
C. On fire
-- hippo, Jun 17 2015

Q2. You are able to see (your new girlfriend) now (your previous girlfriend) has gone. What are the names of your previous and current girlfriends?

A. Margaret; Janet
B. Lorraine; Deirdre
C. Liz; Jane
-- hippo, Jun 17 2015

Q3. You are planning a trip to La Isla Bonita. What did you dream about last night?

A. Some bagels
B. Some doughnuts
C. Some pretzels
-- hippo, Jun 17 2015

Q4. A girl goes by. Does she have:

A. Tourette's
B. A cold
C. Colitis

Q5. You have a bear called Gladly. Is your bear:

A. Amnesiac
B. Cross-eyed
C. Obese

-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 17 2015

Afraid these would all defeatable by a decent database.
-- RayfordSteele, Jun 18 2015

She's got electric boobs and Mohair shoes, You know I read it in a magazine. Fanny and the Jets
-- popbottle, Jun 19 2015

Oi vey, Maria!
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 19 2015

random, halfbakery