Sport: Boarding
OilBoarding   (+3)  [vote for, against]
A little like skimboarding, a little like oil wrestling - how can it go wrong?

Take skimboarding "rink" - already halfbaked in prior entries. Use oil (or maybe that lovely silicone lube) instead of water. (Solves some friction and density problems.) We're obviously going to need the palms of our glove and soles of our suits to have grippy textured surfaces, for additional steering, stopping, and not-dying purposes. Then, to make it even more fun and injury-prone, why not make it a sport? Two teams, three players each, throw a flat puck that can also be thrown like a frisbee into the mix, and watch the bones break ;-)
-- submitinkmonkey, Mar 10 2005

Oil spill wrestling
[normzone, Mar 11 2005]

Wow - I've been here before.

I was thinking that this would be a variant on waterboarding.

How the world has changed - a decade ago you would have thought that was a surfing reference.
-- normzone, May 07 2009

random, halfbakery