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Halfbakery: Criticism
PEDANT PEDANT PEDANT virus   (+3, -13)  [vote for, against]
Punish those who use the word "pedant" too much.

It seems to be a disease at halfbakery that people are obsessed with the word. Methinks it's an attempt at verbal affectation.

The virus seeks out those on the board that use the offending word and bombards their computer with the "P"- word in every imaginable nook and cranny.

The virus only lasts for a few hours and then subsides, unless it catches them using the "P"-word again.

bwwaahahahaaahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :)
-- seal10, Oct 19 2001

affector, performer, actor; pedant, pedagogue, doctrinaire, purist, euphuist, mannerist; grimacier; lump of affectation, precieuse ridicule, bas bleu, blue stocking, poetaster; prig; charlatan (deceiver); petit maitre (fop); flatterer; coquette, prude, puritan.

pedant, doctrinaire; pedagogue, Dr. Pangloss; pantologist, criminologist.
-- pottedstu, Oct 19 2001

seal10, you used the word "PEDANT" too much in the idea title.

bwaahahaha...oh, never mind.
-- beauxeault, Oct 19 2001

-- AfroAssault, Oct 20 2001

1. Pedantry is quite natural and appropriate in relation to half-baked ideas. It's part of the process.

2. Consciousness of pedantry (our own and others') is also quite natural and appropriate, just so we can keep things in proportion.

3. Therefore, I believe that ... Uh-oh, in-coming viru... Aaargh!
-- pertinax, May 31 2006

Yay, another virus .. just what the computing world needs.
-- kuupuuluu, May 31 2006

random, halfbakery