Product: Cell Phone: Motion
Phone sword   (+3)  [vote for, against]
eminently bakeable

This phone app would be used for air duels, either with similarly apped comrades or imaginary opponents. The phone will make appropriate swordlike noises based on accelerometer input: metallic clangs on being swung up to impact the air sword of your opponent together with various hums and sharp sounds.

Choose your weapon: broadsword, katana, light saber, 3 meter anime sword, quarterstaff, rubber chicken. The BUNGCO Foley Art Lab is happy to license desired sounds for use in movies or otherwise.
-- bungston, Sep 24 2015

Just one of many
Here, let me google that for you... [RayfordSteele, Sep 25 2015]

Um, have you seen the light saber app? Personally. I want to see Yoda take a phone call in the middle of a sword duel, by using his saber handle. Calls from anyone associated with the dark side could have the Emperor's March theme song as a ring tone.
-- RayfordSteele, Sep 24 2015

Does this exist? It must exist. But I have not seen it.
-- bungston, Sep 24 2015

random, halfbakery