Culture: Website: Entertainment
Please Wait Video   (0)  [vote for, against]
For YouTube clicks

A video that shows spinning dots with the words Please Wait.

The sequel would have a still image with a finger pointing to the brightest dot on the spinning dots, with the words Please Wait.
-- pashute, Apr 06 2011

#pleaseWait - Please wait amazing video
finally baked, three years later [pashute, Sep 11 2014]

You know you can turn those dots into a game of snake if you hold the arrow keys down.
-- mitxela, Apr 06 2011

No, I did not know that! It works! (clicked PAUSE then the up arrow)
-- pashute, Apr 06 2011

See Link! OK. I made it with the YouTube video editor.

(Took the image from an animated gif, found after searching for "loading" on google images, and saved it as a Jpeg file on pixlr)

Its an amazing video, and a must watch. Without much noise it raises the awareness to all the waiting we have in this world. Please share #pleaseWait
-- pashute, Sep 11 2014

random, halfbakery