Vehicle: Car: Parking: Ticket
Port-o-meter   (+2, -3)  [vote for, against]
Portable parking meter

Always shows full time.
-- Vladtheinhaler, Jul 07 2000

So what do you do with the REAL meter standing right there? Conversely, how do you handle the 'sore-thumb effect' from being parked next to the only meter for blocks?
-- StarChaser, Jul 08 2000

I saw several somethings similar (is that too much alliteration?) in Mad Magazine. In one comic a family had roped off a sizeable area on an otherwise crowded beach and placed a fake landmine (seamine?) in the middle. In the other a woman had an out-of-order sign placed on a stall in a public restroom.
-- nick_n_uit, Jan 17 2001

I have tried this a few time and it has worked. Take a few coins and some chewing gum and stick them in the meter and make sure you push them down so you can't see the gum. Then place a clean coin in the slot so it looks like you tried to pay for parking.
-- jon12, Sep 09 2002

Why to pay ? If the meter is one of those that has no invoice or reciept, you don't have to pay it.
-- NeoPiter, Jul 13 2004

As long as the meter reader is the type without a ticket book.
-- Worldgineer, Jul 13 2004

random, halfbakery