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Fashion: Coat
Pretzelcoatl   (+3)  [vote for, against]
Be the king of birds.

These interwoven pretzel snacks may not insulate very well on their own, but the feathered gown that results will.

Includes hood for all ye brave.
-- Detly, Dec 08 2003

Quetzalcoatl http://weber.ucsd.e...alcoatl/quetzal.htm
'"He's that Feathered Serpent of Ancient Mexico"' [half, Oct 04 2004]

Ahhhh! That's how you spell it. http://www.geocitie...70/memory/meso.html
[squeak, Oct 04 2004]

I'm not sure if this a snack or a garment - but if it's got a hood, I'm all for it.

Come summertime, I can always eat my way out of it anyway. As long as there are no ritual killings involved in the manufacturing process.
-- lostdog, Dec 08 2003

Hood added.

As to the ritual killings, I guess I could change my business model.
-- Detly, Dec 08 2003

Pretty low as tech goes, but my, an ornithologists dream.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Dec 08 2003

The mtv show "jackass" did a stunt where they went down to a harbor, dressed a man in a wetsuit, and pinned dead fish all over him. as i recall, there were a few interested birds, but most were too timid about getting very close to him...
-- luecke, Dec 09 2003

Squid, I think you'll find, [luecke]. They did a bread suit for pigeons too. By the way. Why are you called luecke, if you don't mind me asking? (If you do, please ignore but it's been bugging me).
-- squeak, Dec 09 2003

Strap large pieces of raw meat to a coat and let the condors make fools of the airling industry.
Have a bun for making a coat out of tatsy salty treats [+]
-- Letsbuildafort, Dec 09 2003

squeak - i dont mind at all... luecke is my last name. pronounced "lick-y" if you should wish to be proper. i guess i could have been a bit more creative, but i figuered it would be pretty easy to remember...

your turn now. i hope for your sake that you dont have the same explanation as me...
-- luecke, Dec 09 2003

Why is there an "L" on the end of the word? I don't get that part and I bet the explanation is real funny.
-- k_sra, Dec 09 2003

Quezlcoatl (spelling?) was/is an Aztec or Mayan God with a wierd name. It's a pun. (yeah, I know I'm well informed, can't be bothered to google).

[lueke] Well my naming story is dead boring. I couldn't have my first choice name and my twirly chair and car seatbelt thingy had both been driving me insane for about a month (by going *squeak*,if it wasn't obvious)so I kinda had the word "squeak" branded across my frontal lobe.
-- squeak, Dec 09 2003

Oh that story's not as funny as I had hoped (about the title not your name your [squeakiness]).
-- k_sra, Dec 09 2003

<Pats [k_sra] on head and silently hands him/her a consolotary chocolate biscuit>
-- squeak, Dec 09 2003

Ooh, a bikkie! (and it's 'her')
-- k_sra, Dec 09 2003

Well, [k_sra], excuse me for not having your sophisticated sense of humour. Another fine mess you've gotten me into. :P
-- Detly, Dec 09 2003

Virgin pretzels?! Wha.....!? What do the others do then? I just had one for breakfast (spits repeatedly).
-- squeak, Dec 10 2003

Non-virgin preztels are the ones that come joined together. ;-) If it's a coat, wouldn't the salt wash off in the rain and the bread-y part get all soggy and gooshy and fall off you in great poopy lumps so it looked like a pterodactyl took a potty break on you? And what's the Aztec connection? Pretzels are German. Also you said something about feathers? I dunno where YOU last ate a pretzel, but they don't have feathers, hun.
-- spacecadet, Dec 10 2003

[spacecadet] - common sense would clearly dictate that you don't wear it in the rain.
-- Detly, Dec 20 2003

Spacecadet: I think what's being driven at is that the pretzels will attract birds, so you'll eventually have a live feathered coat. And it amuses me sufficiently to croissant it.
-- Tabbyclaw, Dec 21 2003

random, halfbakery