Computer: Storage: CD-ROM Drive
RW Label   (+3)  [vote for, against]
So I don't have to keep a paper label with the disc

It has been possible for some time now to get writable optical media with a laser-sensitive surface on the label side, so that by flipping the disc over in a LightScribe (or similar) drive, the label can be burned by the drive itself.

I propose making the label dye out of something with similar re-writable characteristics to the data dye layer so that RW discs can be re-labelled.
-- K o R, Jan 11 2007

No more CD pens (though discs are a little pricy) [K o R, Jan 11 2007]

Quite brilliant, really. Simple, obvious, necessary.
-- BunsenHoneydew, Jan 12 2007

random, halfbakery