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Computer: Network: Analysis
Ring: ping with sound   (0)  [vote for, against]
Output is a tone of the freqnecy of the latency.

Fast ping times are low frequency. Slow ping times are high frequency.

Human hearing range is 20 Hz to 20 kHz. If it's a really fast ping time ( > 20 ms), you won't be able to hear it. That means a good ping time, I guess.
-- lawpoop, Jul 21 2003

It would add a new dimension
to ICMP Pong </shameless plug> [reap, Oct 04 2004]

What the hell are you on about?
-- squeak, Jul 21 2003

You've really lost me now.
-- squeak, Jul 21 2003

-- silverstormer, Jul 21 2003

Shouldn't it be the other way around (fast ping times are high frequency and slow ping times are low)? Beeccaauussee ssslllooowww ppppaaaacccckkkkeeeettttssss ssshhhooouuulllddd ssoouunndd that way.
-- phoenix, Jul 21 2003

Ping is a game my friends and I play. Usually the faster computer with the best connection wins.

That's a plus.
-- sartep, Jul 21 2003

Not much to do around your way eh [sartep]?
-- squeak, Jul 21 2003

So my computer can become the machine that goes ...
-- RayfordSteele, Jul 21 2003

...and no doubt the most expensive machine in the hospital too!
-- gnomethang, Jul 21 2003

random, halfbakery