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Business: Advertising: Media: Sky
Seasonal Orbital Advertising Plan   (+4, -2)  [vote for, against]
It's that time of year again...

Manoeuvered into solar polar orbits, intersecting Earth once a year (twice if you put them into congruent ellipses), the SOAP satellites spend their time storing up solar energy just so they can flood all public broadcast channels with generic day/season-specific commercials on their yearly flybys. "Have you rotated your tires yet ?" "Valentine's day coming up" "Only 137 more shopping days 'til Kwanzaa", etc. etc.

The sponsors pay under-the-table to send them into orbit, so can't be identified for lawsuits; militaries can try using them for target practice, but at a tangential closing speed of 150,000 km/h and armed with countermeasures, they'll be around awhile. § x1
-- FlyingToaster, Sep 10 2009

www*TheCalendar*com www*TheCalendar*com
My terrestrial version. [phoenix, Sep 11 2009]

This is a dandy idea. I especially like the pirate nature of it. The one change I'd suggest is that the only thing it should broadcast is the content of halfbakery dot com.
-- unfettered, Sep 11 2009

I've done a lot of research for the N-Prize and I wager you can't put a satellite into orbit without buying something that can be traced back to you, so when the first one is captured you better start hiding.
-- MisterQED, Sep 11 2009

The authorities will offer huge rewards to hackers able to disable their software. This is a great idea.

[MisterQED] I imagine bribing or subverting official launches would be easier and cheaper than launching it privately.
-- pocmloc, Sep 11 2009

random, halfbakery