Sport: Golf: Combination
ShotPutt   (0)  [vote for, against]
Why isn't there a shotput category?

Play golf, substituting the ball with a shotput, and the club with your best throwing arm. Standard-sized golf course. Hole-shotput size ratio equal to current hole-golfball ratio.
-- 21 Quest, May 04 2013

Substitute the club with a sledgehammer?
-- pocmloc, May 05 2013

This should sort out the gopher problem.
-- skinflaps, May 05 2013

Spectators must wear helmets.
-- blissmiss, May 05 2013

Liberal use of the warning, "...FORE!!!..." highly recommended. [+]
-- Grogster, May 05 2013

Given the hazard created by the backswing, it amazes me that golfers don't cry 'AFT!'
-- 21 Quest, May 05 2013

[+] nice
-- leinypoo13, May 07 2013

The average shot put distance is on the order of 20 feet, and a golf drive can be a couple hundred yards or more. This would get really boring (not to mention physically exhausting) really fast. Why not start 100 feet or so away from the hole?
-- ytk, May 07 2013

You really think golf could get more boring, do you?
-- 21 Quest, May 08 2013

If there were thirty times as much of it, sure.
-- ytk, May 08 2013

The ball should be an atlas stone, with the hole scaled up as before. The game can be played either hefting and tossing, or with a caber as a club.
-- calum, May 08 2013

I like the imagery that brings to mind, Calum.
-- 21 Quest, May 08 2013

random, halfbakery