Product: Snow Globe
Snowman Snow Globe   (+3, -1)  [vote for, against]
Real snowman inside a snow globe.

After seeing a little picture holder with a snowman statue (pretending it was jumping off the shelf knowing it soon wouldn't be needed), I thought about having a real miniature snowman inside a little frozen globe. Completely impractical, yet intriguing, because you'd always want to shake it! Reminds me of when we were kids and put snowballs in the freezer to use during the summer.
-- ideahound, Dec 10 2004

would all his bits fly off when you shook it?
-- po, Dec 10 2004

Stop thinking about (snow)men's bits
-- Belfry, Dec 10 2004

hah, I meant the bits of snow that he was comprised of, mainly.

Snowman 1 to Snowman 2 - "can you smell carrots?"
-- po, Dec 10 2004

Ha! This could be a stress relief toy where you shake the snowman apart...and then calmly build another one...only to shake him apart again...
-- ideahound, Dec 11 2004

random, halfbakery