Product: Toy: Doll
Squishy Silicone Babies   (0)  [vote for, against]
Tiny, squishy, stress-relieving... BEBBIES.

Well, we all know about RealDolls, and some of us have heard about the super-realistic, tiny "Marzipan" Babies. So, why not combine the two? A squishy, tiny, superrealistic silicone baby. Maybe in a set. You could put them on your desk as a conversation starter, squeeze one to relieve stress (maybe a squeaky sound if you do), put one in a little birdcage and claim it's your new pet... the possibilities are nigh-endless.
-- Chocolate Ninja, Sep 11 2006

I guess that's the advantage of living in a big city - plenty of bars full of squishy silicone babies!
-- DrCurry, Sep 11 2006

random, halfbakery