Fashion: Mask
Standardised Criminal Masks   (+7, -2)  [vote for, against]
Lose the blurry head

Alleged criminals - and often victims suffer from the blurred/pixelated facial effect when televised so as to hide their identity.

Why not supply the media/courts/police with standard masks that can be worn when the 'anonomi' is to enter a public place.

I keep thinking of a big yellow smily face/head - but with a frown.

Or maybe a standardised pair of sunglasses that are shaped like a big black rectangle, that can be worn for photographs - with tiny little apertures around the eyeholes so you can still see.
-- benfrost, Apr 18 2001

(?) pixels mask http://uniquedaily....pixel-face-mask.jpg
[Voice, Jul 18 2012]

[Phrontistery, Jul 18 2012]

They should all wear masks of famous porn stars in tribute to the late greats. Porn stars and advertisements for flea markets throughout the south and southwest.
-- throttlefish56, Jan 07 2002

Burqa ?
-- po, Jan 07 2002

[po] Excuse you.
-- phoenix, Jan 07 2002

Why not a mask that looks like a bunch of pixels? Then they could save the TV people all that trouble.
-- Ander, Oct 18 2007

All these ideas get buns.
-- wagster, Oct 18 2007

Just give them enough alcohol to make them go blurry.
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 18 2007

Wear a mask in the likeness of someone you don't like.
-- Loris, Jul 18 2012

The famously anonymous brown paper bag would be fitting.
-- cudgel, Jul 18 2012

random, halfbakery