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Science: Body: Teeth: Artificial
Teeth'n Cheeks   (+3, -1)  [vote for, against]
Your ma told you to chew your food 100 times and you never did. With this you might have no choice.

If the whole mouth space was modeled as a flexy plastic chamber with a bicuspid valve attached behind the dentures inside and a discharge valve to the rear at the top of your throat, you could only put in so much food and you'd be forced to chew it to thin paste before the mouthful could squeeze from the discharge valve and be swallowed. The prosthetic maw is naturally powered by your own jaw muscles, tongue, and swallowing reflexes.

This could be a special pair of complete dentures that are used only for eating or for training those with swallowing disorders.
-- reensure, May 10 2005

are you actually being pulled into a longer person on a rack at the same time?

+1, just cos its you really.
-- po, May 11 2005

interesting.... torture/ weight loss machine.
-- dentworth, May 11 2005

I thought this was going to help prevent cheek bites while eating.
-- 37PiecesOf Flair, May 11 2005

Would suit Keith from Mike Leigh's Play for Today Nuts in May: "But you don't always have to chew thirty times, do you, Keith? I mean, sometimes I only chew twenty-six times and the food slips down quite naturally..."
-- calum, May 11 2005

//I thought this was going to help prevent cheek bites while eating.//

To prevent cheek bites while eating: close lips, inflate.
-- ldischler, May 11 2005

random, halfbakery