Food: Restaurant: Burger Bar
The Anxious Clown   (+2)  [vote for, against]
A take-off on McDonald's-Only with GOOD food

A restraunt shaped like a red/yellow circus tent-serving every thing from the circus: selzter, pop corn, pies(bananna cream, cotton candy. Rubber Chicken, (a chicken burger), Big Top Fries, little clown's meal, circus burger, Carnaval burger..more
-- CV, Apr 01 2003

-- deathbyducttape, Jan 04 2006


<Yum! This rubber chicken is good! Though a bit, well, rubbery...>
-- DesertFox, Jan 04 2006

Why is the clown anxious? Is it because he is slightly concerned that big ol' Maccy D's will come and sue his ass?
-- Minimal, Jan 05 2006

random, halfbakery