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Business: Scam: Financial
The Trojan Furby   (+13, -4)  [vote for, against]
Cuddly Thieves Among Us

As new and improved anthropomorphic and pseudo-biological robot toys are hitting the market, and as they inevitably get wireless connectivity, a great opportunity exists for infecting them with identity stealing viruses.

Record and transmit audio and video of face images, pins being entered, credit card bills, shoot amateur porn -- the possibilities seem endless.
-- theircompetitor, Mar 25 2005

(?) Not just thieves, they’re spies.
[Shz, Mar 25 2005]

Another thing Cheap_20Mine_20Removal_20Device
Read the annos [DesertFox, Mar 25 2005]

(?) Hack Furby
[jaksplat, Mar 26 2005]

by [popbottle, Jan 01 2015]

[furby speaks] "Thats good.......keep doing that....yeah, that's working. Now change places..."
-- normzone, Mar 25 2005

2047 - "Honey! You have to take the dogbot to the vet, he's been infected with Jimmy Tarbuck again."
-- wagster, Mar 25 2005

Heeheehee! I hate furbies.
-- DesertFox, Mar 25 2005

2048: Furbies and Gnomes reach agreement for world domination.
-- zeno, Mar 26 2005

aww, who boned Furby?
-- theircompetitor, Mar 26 2005

The dirty pigeons love a bit of it!
-- gnomethang, Mar 26 2005

They had this on an episode of the Simpsons.
-- contracts, Mar 26 2005

//aww, who boned Furby?//

Apparently, you're new to the world of "bizzare internet fetishes."
-- AfroAssault, Mar 27 2005

*evil laugh*

A fluffy world domination scheme.
-- themeh, Jan 08 2007

Not very familiar with these toys, but apparently they've been banned on military bases due to their ability to learn and repeat.
-- normzone, Jan 01 2015

True, but it's nothing to do with security - more a matter of preventing Lieutenants developing inferiority complexes …
-- 8th of 7, Jan 01 2015

random, halfbakery