Home: Toilet: Hygiene
Toilet-O Clean-O-Matic   (+3, -3)  [vote for, against]
Motorized Toilet Brush

A battery powered toilet brush with occelating head that ejects toilet cleaner and with the push of a button toilet antiseptic, with the convenece of a extendable handle and flexi-bend handle
-- GhostFace Killah, May 27 2001

...and a built-in spell-checker.
Just use water, there's enough phosphates in the water supply as it is.
-- angel, May 27 2001

I'm slightly perturbed by the possibility of an oscillating head in conjunction with fecal matter.
-- -alx, May 29 2001

How? With the optional toilet-o clean-o-matic fecal avoidance goggles, cape & gloves?
-- -alx, May 30 2001

No. You duck.
-- jutta, Jun 01 2001

No, me tiger. <quack> He duck.

<Ok, I know, but I couldn't resist.>
-- StarChaser, Jun 02 2001

See Pishwasher
-- -----, Nov 03 2004

random, halfbakery