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Where have I seen that actor?   (+5)  [vote for, against]
Similar to Prime Video's X-ray feature, but more relevant to you specifically

This could either be a standalone website or a function of a digital AI-type assistant. You'd link all your streaming service accounts (ie, Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, etc) and the earliest date you've used each of them to the best of your memory, and if you see an actor somewhere on TV or whatever, you can snap a picture and it'll use your account's watch history first to suggest something it KNOWS you've seen that person in. Results would be something like "This picture is of Jason Bateman in the show Ozark. You probably recognize him from Identity Thief, which you watched on Netflix 2 years ago on your home computer."
-- 21 Quest, Feb 26 2024

Identifying every actor in a cast (Aveleyman) https://community-i...a318815453dba9d6796
heir goal is to identify as many actors as possible, in as many titles as possible, with a screenshot for each. [a1, Feb 26 2024]

Last available crawl of Avaleyman
maybe it's just been down for maintenance these last couple of months :( [a1, Feb 26 2024]

This worked pretty well
[21 Quest, Feb 27 2024]

[+] This wouldn't even need AI or screen shots. Even a simple history of what you've seen should let you cross reference what actors/actresses have been in any of them.
-- a1, Feb 26 2024


In the last chapter of this season's Israeli series Manayek they just killed Barak Harel, the corrupt chief of the Tel Aviv police, and then there's a promo advertisement for a new series Lovesick, where a woman asks: Where did I see you recently?!
-- pashute, Feb 26 2024

I think other search engines and existing film databases serve now for what [21_Quest] is suggesting, though his idea would be a lot more convenient. I can look at the credits of something I just watched to see who played a given character (e.g. Amos Taman as Barak Haral in Manayek) and then check other sources for their credits in other roles. But I'd have to rely on my own memory to spot a title and know if I had seen any of those before.

[21_Quest], would your service list uncredited roles (like Bill Murray in "Tootsie")?
-- a1, Feb 26 2024

See, for that I don't know quite how it would work *without* AI, unless there actually is a database somewhere of uncredited film roles. With AI and facial recognition it could work pretty easily.
-- 21 Quest, Feb 26 2024

Yeah, I can see that you might need image matching to spot uncredited performers - especially lesser known folks. Maybe even picking out extras from background scenes.

This is why I don't work as an extra. It would violate my agreement and terms for the witness protection program.
-- a1, Feb 26 2024 may have been helpful, but it seems to have recently gone offline. Was largely crowd-sourced.
-- a1, Feb 26 2024

That would've been great! Did it have an image search so you could upload a picture of an actor you wanted to identify?
-- 21 Quest, Feb 26 2024

Dunno, can't test it via links. I think It was a tiny independent operation but they wanted to fill the same niche you're describing.

I wonder if you could do Google image searches to ID actors and then correlate actors to roles using IMDB.
-- a1, Feb 26 2024

I've tried that, actually. Google's image search has... mixed results.
-- 21 Quest, Feb 26 2024

I just tried Google Lens with a very clear, frontal face shot of Titus Welliver in Bosch, and it thought the picture was of some guy named Nigel Baker. Image Search showed someone else, who probably would have gotten pulled over by a cop because he "fit the description" but was clearly not the same middle aged grey haired white male.
-- 21 Quest, Feb 26 2024

Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini both say they can't help with images of people.
-- 21 Quest, Feb 27 2024

//Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini both say they can't help with images of people//

Looks like AI is racist in an egalitarian way, across all of humanity; a Universal Racist. Interesting.
-- Sgt Teacup, Feb 27 2024

// Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini both say they can't help with images of people //

But simple Google Images does a fair job with screen shots. You maybe be expecting too much from the new chatty things.

Still tedious though. You're better off just asking google "complete cast list of Tootsie?" or "Who played Michael's roommate in Tootsie?" - than trying to get a screen shot, cropped to his face, and feeding it to an image search tool and hoping it finds the right picture.
-- a1, Feb 27 2024

//Looks like AI is racist in an egalitarian way, across all of humanity; a Universal Racist.// To quote the good Gunny, here you are equally worthless!
-- 21 Quest, Feb 27 2024

You've never really ever seen 'that actor' before.
They've all been an immortal Nicolas Cage playing every male roll since he developed moving pictures and concocted that Edison conspiracy theory.

He's just that good.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, Feb 27 2024

random, halfbakery