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Business: Camp
White Robe Ranch   (+2)  [vote for, against]
For Near Death Nudists with Delicate Sensibilities

For the Near Death Nudist that has given no thought to the afterlife, here is a camp that introduces the possibility that they may **NOT** be slouching about buck naked in Heaven; but rather wearing long white robes.

Flashers Need Not Apply
-- Grogster, May 10 2015

Why do you start with nudists? I mean, couldn't the same white robes be draped over sharp suits, shell suits, tracky daks or shalwar kameez as over birthday suits?
-- pertinax, May 10 2015

Something about this resonates with me. Maybe it's the visual that I like. Hmmm
-- blissmiss, May 10 2015

Will there be clouds?
-- cudgel, May 11 2015

I would rather wear clouds.
-- xandram, May 12 2015

Clouds of some burning substance or other, I imagine.
-- RayfordSteele, May 12 2015

Here I was looking forward to a garment-less existence in a body of pure light, clothed entirely in iridescent sparkles with a totally bitchin rainbowy aura, and a depth of ever changing fractal geometry which would drive mortals mad to behold.

...but robes are good too.
-- 2 fries shy of a happy meal, May 12 2015

random, halfbakery