Product: Alarm Clock: Extreme
bungee-alarm   (+5, -1)  [vote for, against]
The bunjie cord wake up

You sleep in a room hanging over a bridge or cliff. The floor is a trapdoor that is controlled by an alarm timer setup. (i keep too good of an internal time clock so mine would have built in random time variance) When your alarm goes off, instead of a sound, the trapdoor swings, letting you freefall downward.

I realize most ppl will be unable to set up a home on the edge of a cliff, so i was thinking of a 'mini bunjie alarm wench' that you attached to a pulley above your bed, and when it goes off you are instantly hanging by your feet directly above your bed.
-- trebort, Mar 03 2007

The wench
I attached to a pulley [methinksnot, Mar 04 2007]

//i was thinking of a 'mini bunjie alarm wench' that you attached to a pulley above your bed, and when it goes off you are instantly hanging by your feet directly above your bed.//

Is there a choice of wenches?
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 03 2007

Of course, and models for couples with different time settings. And the Jr. kids model.
-- trebort, Mar 04 2007

This one night, I attached a wench to a pulley above my bed (we were drunk, and young, and stupid, and adventurous). Needless to say, it all ended in tears.
-- methinksnot, Mar 04 2007

Ahem: "Following several unfortunate incidents widely reported in the lay press, the American Heart Association, in conjunction with the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology have recommended the Bungee-Alarm (TM) not be used by persons older than 50, or by those of a nervous disposition."
-- mouseposture, May 18 2008

You won't have to go to the bathroom afterwards, either.
-- phoenix, May 18 2008

random, halfbakery