Product: Cigarette: Butt
butt tree   (+4, -7)  [vote for, against]
smoke old butts without the fear of cooties

I have this "friend" who is always going through ash trays for butts to smoke. He won't go through publich ashtrays because of cooties. I thought : why not make a sort of menorah (SP) looking thing out of cigarette holders. Then you could load it up with a ton of butts. You'd get alot of smoke then, you wouldn't burn your fingers, and no cooties!
-- bacobit, Mar 21 2001

Cost of a pack of cigs http://www.theawl.c...osts-state-by-state
cost by state USA [popbottle, Nov 29 2014]

why doesn't your "friend" just buy cigarettes?
-- Susen, Mar 24 2001

If you're smoking (oops sorry!). If your friend is smoking old cigarette butts, I think that cooties (head lice, right?) is going to be the least of his problems.
-- DrBob, Mar 26 2001

Pretending smoking used cigarettes isn't poor, it would be better to just empy the tabacco from the butts out into a pipe and smoke it that way. Anyway, why not spend the 10 bucks and get his own pack?
-- mbracke, Jun 08 2003

Cigarettes are 10 bucks ???? I think you have answered your own question there !! Move to Europe they are, at least, cheaper here !! Or failing that Roll your own .....
-- Rodsonofgod, Aug 06 2003

buy in Tennessee $5.30

sell in Chicago + New York $10+ ?
-- popbottle, Nov 29 2014

Explain "public ashtrays".
-- bungston, Dec 01 2014

Duh - ashtrays in public places?
-- MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 02 2014

random, halfbakery