Computer: Network: Ethernet
carpet fibre   (+4, -3)  [vote for, against]
wired network disguised as carpet

hide your network cable with carpet. customer sends in a small sample of carpet fibres. company determine the average colour, then die a requested length of already white-fibred cable to that colour. crimp the ends and dispatch.

ideal now that people have found out that wireless isnt reliable (or secure).
-- clinicallyobeast, Aug 24 2006

Way too dangerous. Cables are easy enough to trip over without being camoflauged.
-- Galbinus_Caeli, Aug 24 2006

Tucking the camoflaged wire into the corner between wall and carpet solves the problem of tripping.
-- Ying, Aug 25 2006

How about sticking with the regular cable but covering it with camo duct tape???
-- torch0, Aug 25 2006

i keep reading this as carpet fire. I'd like to be able to set fire to my downstairs carpet & have it regrow somehow.
-- Zimmy, Aug 25 2006

weave fiber into a carpet for a powerful mesh network
-- Voice, Aug 25 2006

sp. 'die' -> 'dye'?

Nice idea, anyway, with [Voice]'s modification.
-- pertinax, Aug 25 2006

I first thought this to be a suggestion for running the network cables in the carpet itself, crimping jacks at every few feet around the edges.
-- ironfroggy, Aug 26 2006

be good for a long hallway carpet in a building - also is very secure as there is no easy, single point to interdict the cable, especially if the whole carpet, and not just one section of cable, became the connection +
-- xenzag, Aug 26 2006

random, halfbakery