Sport: Tug of War
game of rope   (+5, -1)  [vote for, against]
played in a large closed room in zero-g with a short rope

There are two teams. The closed room has two goals at opposite ends. You score if the rope touches the other team's goal. Since it's played in zero-g, changing direction means bouncing off a wall or grabbing another player.

I'm not sure how difficult this is. It may evolve to something like volleyball, where the teams stay on opposite sides of a line and it's a score if the rope touches the ground anywhere on your side. Or it may become something like basketball or soccer, where there is a small goal and both teams are allowed anywhere in the room. It may be useful to have extra ropes that teammates can use to redirect one another.
-- rjenkins, Jul 16 2003

strange, but sounds fun. I wonder how expensive it would be to build this "closed room" with zero-g.
-- Pericles, Jul 16 2003

In zero-G, there could be an interesting game to be had just linking the two protagonists with a long rope.
-- DrCurry, Jul 16 2003

I'm sure when 0-G becomes common, our concept of sports will change radically.
-- git, Jul 16 2003

Bun. Mind if I add this to my space sports group? I could just link to here, but I'd like to write it up and post it there.
-- Xenophile, Jul 21 2006

I'm currently trying to refine this for my group. I'm thinking a spherical room and a bit of ladder toss/ladder golf thrown in, with a dash of rhythmic gymnastics for flavor. [DrCurry], I'm thinking very much of incorporating your idea of linking athletes with a rope.

I'll credit both of you and link to here, and I'll post a link here when I've got it done.
-- Xenophile, Jul 01 2012

What would be the difference between 0g and 1g play that would make this sport succeed in null-g ?
-- FlyingToaster, Jul 01 2012

The ability to move in any direction; to send the rope sailing in a straight line which would continue until the rope hit the wall, wrapped around the goal, or was caught; the additional requirements for the athletes to see threats or opportunities in three dimensions instead of just two; the ability to use a spherical court only fifteen metres in diameter, yet with more than two and a half times the usable surface area as a basketball court.
-- Xenophile, Jul 01 2012

why not a ball then ?
-- FlyingToaster, Jul 01 2012

Sounds like a load of bolas.
-- Phrontistery, Jul 03 2012

Most of the games I've designed use a ball. This was something I hadn't thought of. This was an idea which it looked to me would work, but which I probably would NEVER have thought of myself.

I really like it, and have now come up with the basics of the court, the rope, an idea of how to score goals, and yes, [DrCurry] idea of linking players with a rope.
-- Xenophile, Jul 12 2012

random, halfbakery