Computer: Email: Client
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geographical location information about your e-mail correspondent

Behind the name of the person you receive an e-mail from you get geographical information in your e-mail client.

With just an IP-address it is possible to predict quite reliably the location. In most e-mail headers you can find one.

For example: ReindeR Rustema <> in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

When you click on the location you follow a link to a map with a pin and the coordinates.

If this is integrated with your address book, it can even say 'home' or 'work' instead, assuming you those are in it.
-- rrr, Dec 15 2008
paste an e-mail header here and it returns the geographical location of the sender with a map next to it [rrr, Dec 15 2008]

In a webmail interface this should also work, perhaps even better because without an internet connection no webmail.

Displaying the location of your gmail correspondent is difficult. Gmail has a modified header with no IP-address of the sender, but instead some incomprehensible authenticity key. I assume Gmail can get the location though.
-- rrr, Dec 17 2008

random, halfbakery