Food: Delivery: Airborne
lollie launcher   (+2)  [vote for, against]
imagine; pan, till, and dispense

A small Desktop device that if and when filled can be controlled by the computer via usb or wirelessly ge blue tooth and/or key fob

Can be use to dispense candy to your self gently or at others with some force.

Anti trick-or-treaters :)
-- Sam Herring, Jan 09 2008

Springs? Rubber bands? Very small black-powder charges? I think we should be told.
-- pertinax, Jan 09 2008

how do you *trick* or *treat* a lollipop catapult? inquiring minds want to know.

[i spend a good 2 minutes every morning at work arranging my lollipops]
-- pyggy potamus, Jan 09 2008

I would prefer a lollipop lady launcher, that would be fun.
-- skinflaps, Jan 09 2008

better: jelly belly beans gun.
-- erlehmann, Jan 09 2008

random, halfbakery